Friday, July 2, 2010

Inside the Warre box

Today I took some photos through the little window of the warre hive body. This comb wasn't there one week ago. They build this for one week:) I love the little holes that they leave in the middle of the comb. That way they can control the air circulation and are more eficient.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Warre hive and Langstroth next to each other

There are no bees in the Warre hive yet. I am building a special bottom board for the Langstroth hive with a hole with the size of warre box in the middle. I will put the Warre hive under the Langstroth and let the bees move in to it without any stress. The Langstroth medium super will be my first harvest which I will give back to the bees.

Warre Hive

This is the first hive that I build, the bottom box is with sliding window. I intend to build all of my boxes with windows from now on. It makes it so much easier and enjoyable to observe and interact with the bees.